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How Canview saves time writing DVA prescriptions

In 2023 a significant update was introduced to Canview, offering prescribers a seamless solution for writing DVA prescriptions. This innovative tool not only simplifies the prescription process but also streamlines the often tedious task of obtaining approvals from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).

Saving time with draft prescriptions

One of the most significant benefits of using Canview for DVA scripts is the ability to save draft prescriptions. This feature alone has transformed the workflow for healthcare professionals, saving them valuable time and effort. With the ability to save multiple patient scripts as drafts, prescribers can efficiently compile their prescription requests throughout the day, ready to submit to the DVA at their convenience.

Streamlining DVA approval processes

When it comes to DVA prescriptions, Canview takes the guesswork out of the approval process. By prompting prescribers to select the DVA card colour and automatically generating the approval number, Canview streamlines the administrative tasks associated with DVA funding. This not only ensures accuracy but also eliminates the need for manual entry, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Moreover, the ability to save prescription drafts allows prescribers to consolidate their administrative tasks, making it easier to manage their workload and prioritise patient care. At the end of the day, prescribers can simply call the DVA, provide the approval numbers generated by Canview, along with clinical justification, and expedite the process.

Consolidating administrative tasks

The introduction of DVA script approvals in Canview marks a significant milestone in healthcare efficiency and accessibility. By leveraging technology to streamline administrative tasks, healthcare professionals can focus their time and energy where it matters most – providing quality care to their patients. With Canview, the prescription process becomes not just easier, but a catalyst for improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Enhancing patient care with Canview

The integration of Canview into the prescription workflow is a game-changer for healthcare professionals, offering a streamlined solution for DVA prescriptions that saves time, reduces administrative burden and enhances overall efficiency.

If you’re a healthcare provider ready to harness Canview’s prescription functionality, book a call back from one of our team for a demo today.