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Enhanced packing slip coming soon!

Pharmacies, upgrades to our order process are coming that will enhance your experience with Canview! From 1 April 2024, we will be removing the tax invoice from the orders and replacing it with a more comprehensive packing slip detailing the quantity and unit price of each item.

What does this mean?

When you receive an order from Canview, the enclosed packing slip will be used only for reconciling against your dispensing software and internal pharmacy workflows. You will receive a final invoice reflecting any qualified discounts or rebates via email.

What are the benefits?

  • Simplicity: Separating the tax invoice and the packing slip streamlines operations by providing documents tailored to pharmacies’ specific needs, optimising effectiveness and accuracy.
  • Clarity: The new packing slip offers a clear view of your order details, making verification a breeze.
  • Efficiency: Two documents allow pharmacies to quickly access and utilise each document independently, reducing time spent searching for specific information.

How does payment management work?

Your tax invoice will reach your email for payment finalisation. For email updates, our dedicated support team is here. Reach out to us via phone, email or live chat via your Canview login.

Get ready to reap the benefits of a smoother order process with Canview!